
Worship is the heart of what we do at Shepherd of the Hills. We gather every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. to hear the Word of God in scripture and to receive the bread and wine at the table. In this gathering, our members share their gifts in music and the arts to enrich our worship together.
The basis for our worship is the Evangelical Lutheran Worship, through which we share our liturgical heritage with the rest of the ELCA, as well as with others in the Lutheran tradition around the world. We supplement our liturgical language with expansive images of God as found in newer publications, as well as drawing on a wealth of other resources both old and new, reflecting some of the diversity of our understanding of the divine.
Our music is rooted in the breadth found in traditional hymns and shared widely within the Lutheran church and the wider Christian world. In addition, we draw on a wealth of resources from around the world and more contemporary music for our congregational singing, the heart of our musical expression. At different times of year we gather for seasonal music with flute or trumpet, violin or drum. We love to hear pieces by members who duet on the recorder.
Color, shape, and movement enhance our experience of beauty, God’s revelation that we receive through all of our senses. The progression of colors in the paraments through the year, iconic figures such as the dove representing the Holy Spirit, and our processions within the church all contribute to our understanding of the transcendent.
During service, the congregation is encouraged to make themselves comfortable, whether that means moving around, using one of our activity bags, or anything else that offers support. Members of all ages often participate as readers, acolytes, and cantors during worship. Each year, we hold an intergenerational service where our youth plan and lead worship.