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Handwork Group


The Shepherd of the Hills Handwork Group gets together monthly to knit or crochet scarves for the San Francisco Night Ministry and baby blankets and

baby caps for Global Health Ministries. Our usual meetings are the third Sunday of the month from 2 pm to 4 pm at Candy Simonen's home.


Check with the Church calendar, the weekly email or the church bulletin to confirm dates or call the office at 510.524.8281 for directions and information.  

Join us for conversation, handwork and refreshments. Newcomers and all ages are welcome. Instruction and materials are available.


If you can’t come but would like to knit or crochet for us here are the directions: Scarves should be 6 to 7 inches wide and 50 to 60 inches long. Baby blankets should be about 30 inches by 30 inches and can be any color. Baby caps should have a circumference of about 15 inches – not tight.

© 2023 by Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church ELCA

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