Last Sunday Supper - 2015
Summer 2015
Bowl'd Korean Rice Bar
August 23, 2015
Hard to believe that summer is coming to a close. We need to end it it right with a delicious community meal at Bowl'd Korean Rice Bar at 1479 Solano Ave in Albany. Because of the great celebration for Cary on our regular date, I suggest we go a week early for our meal: Sunday, August 23rd at 6pm. Plan on joining the fellowship and good eats!

Taste of Himalayas
July 26, 2015
We are going to try again to get a group to Taste of Himalayas at 1700 Shattuck on Sunday, July 26th. We will meet at 6pm. If you can join, please let Pastor Kim know so she can RSVP us places.

Westbrae Biergarten
May 31, 2015
On May 31, 2015, Shepherd of the HIlls gathered for Last Sunday Supper at Westbrae Biergarten. We had a wonderful time!